Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Creating Results, Not Resolutions in 2009

It forces you to "get real" about how much you can achieve and where you may want to pull in outside resources to speed up your learning curve, outsource work, etc.Once you've mapped out your goals and the actions needed to get there (this method also forces you to look at your goals at least monthly), you can "ask" any opportunity or offer which comes your way whether it will support you in reaching your goals or serve as a distraction and make your decision based on your immediate, intuitive answer.We labor over writing the goals, create Vision Boards, and start the year bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (like children on Christmas morning when they see a tree loaded with presents).Do you limit your email/Twitter/IM time? Do you tell your best friend you have work to do? Do you get up an hour earlier or work an hour later? Do you invest in a mentor who can save you hours of learning time? Figure out what you need to do. . .and then do it!